Industry News

This page contains topics based on industry news therefore it is not related to our products

Cannabis Legalisation in the USA

The Economic Impact of Cannabis Legalisation in...


The Economic Impact of Cannabis Legalisation in USA Since the legalisation of cannabis in several states across the USA, the economic implications have been significant. From tax revenue to job...

The Economic Impact of Cannabis Legalisation in...


The Economic Impact of Cannabis Legalisation in USA Since the legalisation of cannabis in several states across the USA, the economic implications have been significant. From tax revenue to job...

Medical Perspectives on Cannabis Legalisation in Germany

Medical Perspectives on Cannabis Legalisation i...


The debate surrounding the legalisation of cannabis is multifaceted, involving various stakeholders with differing perspectives. One such perspective is that of medical professionals, who often have unique insights into the...

Medical Perspectives on Cannabis Legalisation i...


The debate surrounding the legalisation of cannabis is multifaceted, involving various stakeholders with differing perspectives. One such perspective is that of medical professionals, who often have unique insights into the...

German Flag and Currency

Light Legalisation Could Save Germany a Billion...


Germany's Approach to Cannabis Legalisation Germany's approach to cannabis legalisation has been a topic of intense discussion. The country is considering a 'light legalisation' model, which could have significant economic...

Light Legalisation Could Save Germany a Billion...


Germany's Approach to Cannabis Legalisation Germany's approach to cannabis legalisation has been a topic of intense discussion. The country is considering a 'light legalisation' model, which could have significant economic...

Hemp Leaves for Herbs infusion

EU Member States Approve Hemp Leaves for Herbal...


Agreement on Hemp Leaves for Herbal Infusion EU Member States have reached an agreement on the proposal put forth by EIHA, affirming that hemp leaves are not considered novel for...

EU Member States Approve Hemp Leaves for Herbal...


Agreement on Hemp Leaves for Herbal Infusion EU Member States have reached an agreement on the proposal put forth by EIHA, affirming that hemp leaves are not considered novel for...

Iceland Suggests Medical Cannabis Pilot Project

Iceland Proposes Medical Cannabis Pilot Project...


Introduction to Cannabis Commerce Pilot Projects The concept of cannabis commerce pilot projects is not a new thing and is seemingly growing in popularity among policymakers and regulators in Europe....

Iceland Proposes Medical Cannabis Pilot Project...


Introduction to Cannabis Commerce Pilot Projects The concept of cannabis commerce pilot projects is not a new thing and is seemingly growing in popularity among policymakers and regulators in Europe....

Czech Cannabis Legalisation at the ECJ

Czech Republic Advocates for Cannabis Legalisat...


Unified Cannabis Policy in the European Union In the European Union, there is no unified drug policy for cannabis. Despite the failure of prohibitions everywhere, more and more member states...

Czech Republic Advocates for Cannabis Legalisat...


Unified Cannabis Policy in the European Union In the European Union, there is no unified drug policy for cannabis. Despite the failure of prohibitions everywhere, more and more member states...

Thailand's Cannabis Legalisation

Thailand's Activists Urge Continued Cannabis Le...


Thailand's Progressive Steps Towards Cannabis Legalisation Thailand's move to legalise cannabis and CBD for medical purposes in 2018 was a surprising yet progressive step. The country, once known for its...

Thailand's Activists Urge Continued Cannabis Le...


Thailand's Progressive Steps Towards Cannabis Legalisation Thailand's move to legalise cannabis and CBD for medical purposes in 2018 was a surprising yet progressive step. The country, once known for its...